
At Happy Family Store, our entire focus is on the needs and health of our clients.

That means we’re available 24 hours a day to answer questions, provide help and advice, and of course, fill prescriptions quickly and expertly. Please use any of these methods to contact us and you can expect fast, knowledgeable, and courteous service day or night. Also, feel free to ask for a prompt callback by phone.

Address: 550 Broadway, New York, NY 10012

Phone: +1 (212) 313-0992

When contacting Happy Family Store, please be sure to include all important details including name, location, age, and diagnosis, and if you are filling or refilling a prescription, please include the drug name and whether you have a prescription for it.

Please contact us first before returning any product or medication, and if you have any issues with our products, delivery, or team members, please be sure to let us know. We’ll resolve the problems promptly. Your satisfaction is of paramount importance.